

Meagan (Barkley) Smith ('09)

A woman smiling at the camera in front of grass and trees
Meagan (Barkley) Smith ('09)
老虎校友播客: Meagan Smith

Meagan lives on a small hobby farm in Longview with her husband, 韦斯顿, 五个孩子, 100只鸡, 还有15只猫. 她是一个足球妈妈, 家长教师联合会主席, 开着一辆小货车, but she listens to Ben Rector, so she’s still kinda cool. Her favorite way to serve those in her home, 教堂, and community is by baking the world’s best chocolate chip cookies. A 2009 graduate of ETBU, Meagan also served as 学生 Activities Coordinator.